Allergies... Is your "allergy season" lasting longer and longer?

Have you noted more people sneezing or reporting sinus problems this year? Health experts agree, you are definitely not alone.

Have you been watching pollen levels? They have worsened in recent years and do not seem to be returning to previous lower levels. Scientists are studying the why, but an increase in pollution and weather patterns seem to be contributing. In addition, genetically modified foods, unwanted food additives, poor diet, and increasingly poor gut health may be lessening your inability to tolerate allergies. 

It's also important to consider you may also be experiencing a combination of environmental allergies, food allergies, food or chemical sensitivities, food intolerances or other health imbalances. 

Unfortunately, the typical antihistamines may not address the root problem and tend to have side effects including leaving some feeling tired and drowsy, jittery, or experiencing dry mouth. 

A Food as Medicine approach along with a healthy lifestyle may help you move through your day feeling more energetic and clear headed. 

Start early to optimize good gut health. I recommend including one to two servings everyday of a probiotic rich food such as sauerkraut, miso, kimchee, and kombucha. Make certain the label does not include vinegar as vinegar destroys the good gut bacteria. Some folks also tolerate small amounts of probiotic rich fermented dairy such as yogurt, kefir or fermented cheese.   

Take a good quality probiotic daily during your allergy season similar to the Innate Response brand on my Wellevate site - (click on butterfly link at bottom of page).

Reduce refined flours, added sugars, fried foods, unhealthy oils, and other inflammatory foods during allergy season to avoid extra challenges to gut health. 

Many people benefit from avoiding dairy products during allergy season. 

Drink plenty clean filtered water. Every biochemical reaction your body performs requires water. 

Eat a plant based diet including plenty leafy greens that will provide nutrients to strengthen your defense.

Enjoy a cup of tea 

    •    Nettle tea contains quercetin, an antioxidant that reduces symptoms of allergies by helping to prevent immune

         cells from releasing histamines. In other words, researchers believe it acts like a natural anti-histamine. 

    •    Holy basil tea helps calms stress and blunt negative effects of cortisol.    

    •    Marshmallow tea is soothing and healing to our gastrointestinal tract.

    •    Turmeric tea is anti-inflammatory and helps many areas including our digestive process. 

Minimizing stress is essential to good health. Stress effects increases inflammation, effects hormone balance, challenges immune health and could contribute to impaired gut integrity. 

Taking a night time shower will help rinse off pollens and help you breathe better during sleep. 

Change your pillow case daily to cut down on pollens near your face. 

 Sleep is essential to good health. 

When these strategies just are not enough, I work with clients individually to learn where the imbalance in their health may be. We can then target nutritional therapies to strengthen your body's ability to thrive.