Eating Well, Healing, Resilience, The Essential Guide to Getting Started

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Eating Well, Healing, Resilience, The Essential Guide to Getting Started


Are you at a place in your life where you would like to rein in a chronic health condition and experience a measure of healing but unsure how to start and what foods to focus on?

Would you like to get off the yo-yo diet cycle?

Are you ready to clean out your panty and start over, but need to know what to toss and then well, what else can I eat?

Would you like a guide to help you set up and a practical, eco-friendly and beautiful kitchen?

Based on 28-years as a nutrition consultant and 45-years of cooking experience with my own family and kitchen. This Guide cuts through confusing nutrition advice and encourges foods based on the longest lived healthiest populations and up to date research data.


. Ditching diets and rethinking how you nourish yourself

. My Favorite Essential Kitchen Tools and Appliances

. My Toss This and Try This Instead Chart

. My Resilient You, Healthy Food List w/ Notes

. Tips for Eating Well even when life happens, the Unexpected Hectic Days.

. Simple Meals made from on-hand staples.

This guidebook to reframing, planning, shopping, and prepping for your Eating Well Journey to a More Resilient You is for my clients over the years that have asked me to put these things in print.

Thank-you to each of you for pressing me to do so.

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