
I am so glad you are here.

Thank-you for dropping into my corner of the world here in North Texas.
When I am not with clients, you might find me brewing a cup of holy basil tea, stirring a pot of soup, heading out for a walk in the park or on grandchildren adventures in Florida.

Passionate about gardens, travel and what the locals eat, our favorite might be hiking in Acadia National Park where we also enjoy ocean kayaking, farm stand veggies, wild blueberries, and fresh wild caught halibut.

It was when three of my grandparents developed heart disease, that I became the student of all things food, living well, and health to prevent the same life course.

Today, drawing on 30-years of experience, with study, clients, and real life, my message holds… That being in nature is healing, community lifts spirits, faith strengthens, and given the right food and nutrients, absolutely yes, our health will be better!

I hope to take you back to the kitchen during your healing journey.

I will always be in awe of the human spirit, the ability of the people I have met to delve in, shift course and restore health. Learning your story…and longer stronger living is my privilege. dhj

I’d love to work with you on your journey!

For your health, Debra Hilliard Jones, RDN, LD, CLT

“You always have such sound counsel”

“You have already changed my life. I wanted You to know how meaningful our work has been to me”

“It's a whole new way of prossessing how and what I eat.  I have a lifetime of foods and habits I'm happily changing. For me, my life has already changed in such a positive way.  So happy that, while it's a different way of thinking and living, it's well worth the reward!  Thank you again for your help!!!”

Education and Experience

From Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas to starting my Private Practice in 1999, I have worked extensively with inflammatory conditions, digestive health and disease, Leap MRT food sensitivity test/program, chronic fatigue, blood sugar and lipid balance, cancer prevention, osteoporosis and helping folks finally ditch “diets”, and live well.

  • Nutritional Sciences Degree (1994)

  • Registered Dietitian (RDN) and Licensed Nutritionist (LDN)

  • Worked with Baylor University Medical Center in Dallas Texas.

  • Studied immunology and adverse food reactions. Became certified (CLT) in 2006 for the highly effective Leap MRT Food Sensitivity / Immune calming Protocol.

  • Developed and taught cardiac rehab classes

  • Developed and taught nutrition and pain management classes

  • Consulting with digestive disease medical practices

  • Consulting with oncology medical practices, food and lifestyle for cancer prevention and healing during / after treatment.

  • Consulting with area general physician and counseling practices

  • Developed a Strengthening Resilience workshop

  • Developed a Strengthening Bone Health workshop

  • Study in diet and lifestyle for and dementia / Alzheimers prevention

  • Taught Intuitive Eating workshops

  • Authored my Essential Guide Book getting you, your kitchen, and your simple healing meals guide ready for your eating well journey

  • Helping multiple clients over the years to shift course, and enjoy better health, energy, cognition, and well-being.

  • Helping people truly savour good food, mostly plants.

“Thank you Debra for taking such wonderful care of me.
I’m so thankful to have you in my life.”